GTA SA Sav.. 这个版本发布于2011.1.26,很早之前就下载过,只是因为不知道如何使用而一直放在一边,前几天经过一番研究终于成功打开了这个修改器。 &n
下载地址 用起来不算难,解压后打开bin文件夹的...
Savegame editor for GTA: San Andreas. Cross platform and open source. 9followers Repositories gtasa-savegame-editorPublic GUI tool to edit GTA San Andreas savegames. Java100MIT2018(8 issues need help)1UpdatedJan 16, 2025 ...
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You should now have the following files inside the newly created savegame-editor/target folder:gtasaveedit-[version]-jar-with-dependencies.jar This is the main executable. You can run it with java -jar [jarfile].ProfilesYou can also build specific application formats. For example: mvn clean...
all I can do for now is replace the name of the save game EditedNovember 18, 2021by Smellord Save viewing is possible for DE saves Quote Stats, Checklists, and Map for SA:DE November 12, 2021, 1:48 pm MST GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition saves now have basic stats...
下载地址: 参考资料那个链接是教程。参考资料:
GTA SA Savegame Editor v3.x by Paul Breeuwsma: GTA:SA Save Game Editor v1.0 by Ryosuke: If one doesn't work then try the other. If neither works, and you are skilled with a hex editor, you can copy...
GTA3GTA:SanAndreasGTA:ViceCityMassEffect2MassEffect3 Feb/20/2020PC GAME CHECKSUM FIXERhas been released. PC Final Fantasy X Checksum Fixer PC Final Fantasy X-2 Checksum Fixer Dec/26/2019PS1 SAVE GAME ID CHANGERhas been released. Nov/19/2019PS3 SAVE EDITOR CHEAT CODE LISThas been released....
GTA3GTA:SanAndreasGTA:ViceCityMassEffect2MassEffect3 Feb/20/2020PC GAME CHECKSUM FIXERhas been released. PC Final Fantasy X Checksum Fixer PC Final Fantasy X-2 Checksum Fixer Dec/26/2019PS1 SAVE GAME ID CHANGERhas been released. Nov/19/2019PS3 SAVE EDITOR CHEAT CODE LISThas been released....