save as custom user settings 保存为自定义用户设置
点击Settings选项里面 Boot Sequence ,再选择右边Legacy勾选。勾选完成之后我们再次点击APPLY.此时出现Save as Custom user Settings,我们选中后点击OK即可。这时我们再回到Settings里面 Boot Sequence选项里面,勾选USB Storage Device(USB设备)。再次点击Apply。出现Save as Custom user Settings对话框,点击OK。最后点击...
customDialog中调用router.push启动新页面,会把customDialog关闭,怎么实现在不关闭弹窗的前提下启动新页面 如何实现如下场景:瀑布流滑动时,数据的无限加载和显示 如何解决sidebar侧边栏出现时,遮挡住下方的导航栏的问题?希望能自行控制侧边栏的上下层级 有哪些实现图文混排的方式,每种方式的优劣点是什么,推荐场景是...
aimiaobi:SaveCustomText create *全部资源 * 无 无 请求参数 名称类型必填描述示例值 AgentKey string 是 业务空间唯一标识: AgentKey xxxxx_p_efm Title string 否 标题 标题 Content string 否 内容 内容 CommodityCode string 否 商品code 商品code 返回参数 名称类型描述示例值 object PlainResult Code string...
Add an android plugin to project, set Application/Config/ProjectSettingsOverride to "user://override.cfg", and invoke ProjectSetting.save_custom("user://override.cfg"). Following setction will be added to the top of override.cfg config_version=5 ...
aAfter determining the desired color balance, you may wish to save the new values, either as the startup preferences, or as part of your custom settings. Select the New Setting option from the Color Balance popup menu at the bottom of the Color tab panel (Windows), or the Add Setting ...
aText TracTrix 2000 provides the user with the ability to create and save custom libraries of specific fonts. For example, you might create a specific library to be used when converting drawings hand-drawn by one or more individuals. This library would be trained to recognize the characters crea...
SPCustomWebTemplate class SPDailySchedule class SPDataRetrievalServicesSettings class SPDateTimeFieldFormatType enumeration SPDateTimeFieldFriendlyFormatType enumeration SPDistributionGroupException class SPDistributionGroupJobData class SPDistributionGroupJobType enumeration SPDocTemplate class SPDocTemplateCollection clas...
如何设置request.agent.Config中saveas参数 如何使用Web组件下载pdf文件并展示给用户 如何查看Webview的缓存目录 HarmonyOS Webview如何实现透明效果 Web组件的滚动条能否设置隐藏 Webview 目前支持预览什么文件 web组件访问过程中的illegal、fraud、risk和warning这4个风险等级区别是什么?是否可以自定义 如何解决...