“拯救美国”(Save America)行动委员会(PAC)在1月28日就特朗普(总统)与共和党众议院领袖凯文·麦卡锡(Kevin McCarthy)的会晤发出声明: “特朗普总统同意与麦卡锡合作,帮助共和党成为众议院的多数党。特朗普总统的...
Lincoln said it right there in his Gettysburg address that America was founded upon the principle that all men are created equal. Leftist schools have taught our kids for decades that America was founded by evil white guys with no desire for equality. Yes, it took a while to reach our goal...
A wealth tax has the support of billionaireWarren Buffettwho penned aneditorialin theNew York Timesin 2011. “Those of us in the richest 1/10 of the richest 1% should be proud to pay a bit more of our fortune forward to America’s future,” the letter says. “We’ll be fine — tak...
AI Drone Warfare May Rule Future Conflicts—Badly This Military Helmet Would Link Brains to Machines Could Humans Ever Turn Into Crabs? Sometimes, Evolution Gets It Right the First Time How to Build an Electric Guitar How China Copied America’s Deadliest Helicopter...
from its design. but now things are afoot that signal nintendo could be about to resurrect this gaming gem. matt kamen workers say they were tricked and threatened as part of elon musk’s get-out-the-vote effort america pac door knockers were flown to michigan, driven in the back of a ...
So greenamerica.org/coolit-disposal, and that will give you all these tips on how to get rid of your greenhouse gas-containing appliances. Ayana: And of course you can just call Tim and Gabe or check out their work. They've got, as you know, two different websites, tradewater.us ...
I was so surprised when I met the twins, Alessia and Erica, who look like my niece in America. They are about the same age, too! I hope the three of them can meet one day – that Malena, my niece, can travel to Sicily and that we can welcome the twins to America. ...
my voice. To what secret pacts with myself had I consented, just to excel. And now, after the hard work of learning, what must I unlearn. Also, I had been forced by the powerful presence of Lila to imagine myself as I was not. I was added to her, and I felt mutilated as soon...