Savant Power Systems represent the premier choice for dependable, scalable, and person-centric smart energy systems that fit seamlessly with and enhance your home and lifestyle. Controlled through the Savant app’s intuitive user interface, smarter home energy adds to the expanding and near-limitless...
THE SAVANT EXPERIENCE SAVANT POWER SAVANT HOME Get Started SIGN INYOUR WHOLE HOME IN ONE TOUCH The Savant AppUNPARALLELED CONVENIENCE View your whole home at a glance and use quick access controls to make everything just the way you like it.Keep...
Innovative and beautifully designed, the Savant Pro app is the easiest and most intuitive way to manage your smart home. Control your lighting, climate, entertainment and security with a single app on your iOS device. Savant is the only smart home platform that also allows you to monitor and...
Innovative and beautifully designed, the Savant Pro app is the easiest and most intuitive way to manage your smart home. Control your lighting, climate, entertainment and security with a single app on your iOS device. Savant is the only smart home platform that also allows you to monitor and...
软件标签:智能家居appsavantpro savant pro客户端是专为智能电器开发的手机管理服务软件,可以智能化去设置自己的家居模式,调节自己的房间温度、湿度和空气指数等,可以让你每一天都变的更加舒适和健康。 savant pro官方版简介 Savant Pro应用程序可以让您通过android上的单个应用程序控制照明、气候、娱乐和安全。Savant Pro...
The Savant App User Guide provides an overview of the features and functions of the Savant App (version 9.4 and higher), available on iOS and Android mobile devices. Topics covered by this document include but are not limited to:General overview of Savant App layout and navigation, Savant App...
A Savant single home automation app home merges all your home control into a sleek and intuitive user interface that’s already part of everyday life for many people. Savant’s unprecedented level of efficiency, security, and simplicity will help you create a home that is uniquely yours, desig...
1、打开SAVANT PRO APP进入主控制页面,左滑屏幕或点击右上角“场景(Scenes)”,进入场景控制页面。 2、点击右上角“文件夹”图标,创建场景组。 3、为创建的场景组命名,选择需要编入此组的场景,点击完成,即完成了所需的场景编组。
SAVANT 主机 + SAVANT APP Savant App可以让您轻松更换红外控制设备,通过触摸按钮就可以配对一个新的设备。 SAVANT PRO APP 我们的Pro App定义了自动化的应用程序标准。时尚、浏览方便,并给业主提供对灯光、温度、窗帘、娱乐、安防等难以置信的个性化控制。
NOTE: If you revoke access to a connected app, it may require your Savant dealer to restore the control/service.Tutorials ScreenDisplays links to informational videos about using a Savant system.Discover More ScreenDisplays informational links to Savant products for ideas to...