I made this conversion alter reading several of the others fan made Star Wars conversions for Savage Worlds, and feeling that they lacked the F!F!F! that is basic to Savage Worlds. So, I started working on this conversion, based on the old WEG d6 version of Star Wars AND the newer ...
with over 96 hours of non-stop gaming including several Savage Worlds games and a special Savage Saturday Night event, this time featuring licensed, homebrew, and official settings like Deadlands Noir, Herald: Lovecraft & Tesla, Dead End, Star Wars, and Pinebox Middle School GMed by of one ...
Sweet Cheeks (1986) (Video) - Self (archive footage) Trouble with Traci (1986) Self (archive footage) Deep Inside Traci (1986) (Video) - Self (archive footage) Whore of the Worlds (1985) (Video) - Cowboy (archive footage) See all archive footageIMDb...
Primary Name Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition (SWD) RPG Family Savage Worlds Suzerain War of the Dead Weird Wars RPG System Savage Worlds RPG Mechanic Attribute/Stat Based (STR, CON, PER, etc) Cards (Standard French-suited deck) Dice (Various) Dice Step (variable dice vs. stat...
Character sheet templates created by the community for use in Roll20 VTT. Submit a ticket at roll20.net/help if critical hotfixes are to be requested. - roll20-character-sheets/SavageWorlds/sheet.json at master · Deshaun-bit/roll20-character-sheets
Another Savage Worlds Pirates of the Spanish Main game came and went last night. I’ve lost track of what episode we’re on. So far, GM Ben has led us on a twisty trail of madness in the Caribbean.  I missed most of last night. Not because I ...
The final film of legendary science fiction and fantasy filmmaker George Pal (the man who gave us such classics as "Destination Moon," "When World Collide," "The War Of The Worlds" and "The Time Machine," among others), it was the first - and only - film of what was again intended...
It focuses on Starjammer, Starfinder, and Savage Worlds rulesets. Exotic space places and exotic space races. Our second, of course is the Art of War line, which we are going to continue to push for a release date, even if the Kickstarter is unsuccessful. It will just take a little ...
Way With Worlds offers you a helpful guide to being a better worldbuilder. From basic theories and principles to guide you, to intense discussions of sex, ecology, and culture, you'll take a tour of the best ways to make places that never were. When you're done, you'll have a grasp...
Immortals Unlike most other worlds for the AD&D game, the SAVAGE COAST campaign setting does not have gods; instead, it has Immortals. In many ways, Immortals resemble gods: They have great power, they The Savage Coast The SAVAGE COAST setting can exist anywhere a frontier coastline could ...