With the exception of the Savage Axis most of the Savage model numbers dictate rifle finishes, stocks, barrels etc. They are still based off either a model 10 or model 110 action. Savage Arms Rifle Key Innovations Floating Bolt Head
The Savage Axis is not a thing of beauty, by any means. However, to get the production cost out of a rifle, it has to come from somewhere. In the case of the Axis II XP, that somewhere most obviously includes the budget riflescope, "one size fits all" action, assembled bolt, rough...
Savage Rifle Trigger and Shims / AccuTrigger Shim Kits for Axis, Edge Mark II Rimfire and all AccuTrigger two-stage triggers by the Savage Arms Company
but it is the antithesis of the rifles I normally shoot. The Axis lacks the refined construction and high end parts of a custom rifle, but it allows new shooters to enter the sport for a reasonable amount of money.