Since the introduction of the Axis in 2010, Savage Arms has made several revisions to the design of the firing pin and the firing pin spring. The original design featured a heavier firing pin as well as a one-piece firing pin spring. This original design worked extremely well and provided ...
Mel Stuart: -- He did Shakespeare. If you do Shakespeare, you’re number one in my book. See, you always have to cast people for bit parts. You know, four lines, two lines. And I ask “Have you ever done Shakespeare.†If it’s between him and the ...
The man went to sleep in order to question his ' familiar.' He had instructed three Indians that when he clapped his hands they must hold him to the ground, with his arms extended at right angles with his body, so that when the spirit came it could not carry him off. They did as ...
Trigger Shims for Rifle Basix Brand Triggers including Rifle Basix SAV-2 and 110 Type Savage Arms Rifles and Edge/Axis Rifles with the Aftermarket Rifle Basix Trigger. Can be used on ANY Savage Riflewith 1/8" Trigger Pins with room for a .310" OD New Larger .310" Outside Diameter Our...
And turning over to their attendants the arms of their opponents, all covered with blood, they carry them off as plunder, singing a song over them and striking up a song of victory. These “first-fruits” of battle they fasten by nails upon their houses, just like me...
(27.4) While the above-mentioned events were taking place in Gaul and Italy, a new campaign was set on foot in Thrace. For Valens [eastern emperor, ca. 364-378 CE], in accordance with the desire of his brother, whom he consulted and ...