Tilling the ground (Gen. 2:15; 4:2, 3, 12) and rearing cattle were the chief... Armour Armour is employed in the English Bible to denote military equipment, both offensive and... Army Army The Israelites marched out of Egypt in military order (Ex. 13:18, "...
The reasons why this comparison fails are manifold. First, even before Saul of the New Testament went through his remarkable transformation, he was already what you might call a Biblical scholar. Of course the Bible as we think of it hadn't yet been written, but there were the Jewish laws...
“Lord, I don’t know what to do about this kid,” because I was physically bigger than him. I could have just physically popped him and said, “Get out of here.” But there was this idea of being a Christian and turning the other cheek and trying to do it in the ...
The Spirit of the Lord had departed from Saul, and an... PLUS Do your Biblical studies anywhere! Access $3,100 worth of premium resources on the go! Upgrade to Bible Gateway Plus and get the best value in digital Bible study. Start...