Free E-mail Bible Study Apostle Peter: Disciple Lessons from the Rock See also Paintings and Artwork of David and the PsalmsThe David and Solomon series (1896-1902) by James J. Tissot, gouache on board, are found in the Jewish Museum, New York....
Living Bible 59Written by David at the time King Saul set guards at his home to capture and kill him. (1 Samuel 19:11) O my God, save me from my enemies. Protect me from these who have come to destroy me.2Preserve me from these criminals, these murderers.3They lurk in ambush for...
Additional factors have been dangerous from outside and numerous invasions of enemies so sometimes Israel was a subordinate foreigner ruler. Overcoming particularisms and trying to set against this situations Israelites inducted kind of rulers governing of federations of few tribes, who Bible call "the...