• Service Providers and Partners:Some of our Services will be provided with the assistance of third parties. We may also share some personal data with our partners in particular so as to deliver you a better service and improve your user experience. For example, when you use the security ...
Looking to join the team? Share your resume 👋 Say helloمرحباBonjourZdravoPrivét We are here to answer any question you may have.Join us now Phone +966 11 204 1255 Email hello@bimventures.com Al Imam Saud Ibn Faysal Road, Al Malqa, Riyadh Saudi Arabia 13522 ...
Basis of preparation and significant accounting policies (continued) 2.2 Basis of consolidation The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of SABIC and subsidiaries controlled by SABIC, besides joint operations which are consolidated based on the Group's relative share in the ...
Oracle Siebel CRM Utilize a complete, enterprise gradeCRM solution, capable of extreme scale and performance for even the most complex organizations. Oracle Siebel CRM has unrivalled customization and integration capabilities, an open architecture for a truly personalized user experience, and can be ...
pursuant to which the Chinese government is doling out hundreds of billions of dollars to support Chinese companies and requiring them to achieve preset targets for domestic market share–at the expense of imports–and global market share in several advanced manufacturing industries. USTR will continue...
We examine the relationships between crude oil volatility, geopolitical risk, global economic uncertainty, financial development (measured by market capitalisation, MCGDP, Financial Institutions Access Index, FIAIX) and economic growth. The empirical results show that negative shocks in crude oil ...
"Lucid has set out to address global market demand for EVs, while also taking action to address climate change through inspiring sustainable transportation, and today's signing ceremony marks the beginning of this journey," saidFaisal...
these programs have yielded significant outcomes, effectively addressing demands of the residential market in the Kingdom. They have also created a multitude of employment and investment prospects and succeeded in drawing developers and private sector collaborators,...
Our research obtained information from companies that are publicly traded on the Saudi Stock Exchange and included in the Tadawul All Share Index (TASI) between 2018 and 2022. The corporate governance regulation in KSA is issued by the board of the Capital Market Authority in 2017. Therefore, th...