Accepted for publication 3 March 2022 Published 10 March 2022 Volume 2022:13 Pages 17—23 DOI Checked for plagiarism Yes Review by Single anonymous peer review Peer reviewer comments 2 Editor who approved publication: Prof. Dr. And...
Prof. Goose on March 3, 2007 - 2:52am Permalink | Parent | Comments top that's what happens when your constituency is Illinois... now, as for a national constituency...that of course is a different matter. theshellylynn on March 4, 2007 - 11:23am Permalink | Parent | Comments to... So, why might the Saudis even think of firing Mr Naimi, who has been their oil minister since 1995? The most plausible explanation is that he has lost a power struggle over the role of foreign investment. For years, a faction led ...