At a capital cost of 1.18 US$/watt, it was found that net metering reduces the annual energy bill by more than 50%. If some prior planning were incorporated in the early stages of the mosque’s construction, PV can bring down the electricity bill to zero. We compare our theoretical ...
compiled the life-cycle inventories and conducted the life-cycle assessment for the vehicle, hydrogen, and electricity cycles. A.A. worked on the life-cycle inventories and conducted the LCA for the diesel cycle. C.Z. and A.A. prepared the figures and tables and compiled the Supplementary ...
Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) is presently becoming the major supplier of electricity in the KSA, with a total obtainable production capacity of approximately 74.3 GW (Company, 2014). The KSA intends to upsurge the electricity production capacity to 120 GW by 2032 in response to the rapidly gr...
measuring 0.64 kgCO2-eq km−1, followed by grey hydrogen (1.09 kgCO2-eq km−1) and electricity (1.25 kgCO2-eq km−1) (Fig.3c). The primary contributors to GHG emissions for hydrogen (blue: 91%; grey: 93%) and electricity (90%) are attributed to fuel production...
Another agency, the Saudi Electric Company (SEC), has restructured the electricity tariff in a bid to lower energy demand. Further, MOWE, in an attempt to lower peak demand, has established limits for the maximum amount of electricity that can be delivered to large power consumers [48]. The...
Direct heating by electric energy is relatively inefficient, and one kilowatt-hour of electricity can only produce one share of heat energy, which is one of the reasons for the high electricity bill when electric heating is used in winter. The working principle ...
I'm having no joy with Google but as I recall there was an Icelandic fishing boat that got converted to MeOH as a proof of concept; lots of CO2 and cheap electricity is available there, whilst diesel is hard to come by ... Euan Mearns on June 23, 2008 - 5:44am Permalink | ...
"Actually, as Nick has pointed out, EVs make sense TODAY if you consider the entire lifetime operating cost of the cars. Driving cars on electricity is dirt cheap compared to gasoline." I did a post a while back on a small EV van and an off-grid system to charge it (including a ba...