Company : Saudi Aramco Feb2022 Level-2 HACCP & Food Safety In-Company Virtual Training Batch : Feb 2022 Trainer: Mr. Sujith Menon Company : AAC Engineering Jan2022 NEBOSH IGC In-House Training Conducted By Green World Group Company : Almarai, Saudi Arabia Mar2020 OSHA 30 Hours Construction In...
compiled the life-cycle inventories and conducted the life-cycle assessment for the vehicle, hydrogen, and electricity cycles. A.A. worked on the life-cycle inventories and conducted the LCA for the diesel cycle. C.Z. and A.A. prepared the figures and tables and compiled the Supplementary ...
measuring 0.64 kgCO2-eq km−1, followed by grey hydrogen (1.09 kgCO2-eq km−1) and electricity (1.25 kgCO2-eq km−1) (Fig.3c). The primary contributors to GHG emissions for hydrogen (blue: 91%; grey: 93%) and electricity (90%) are attributed to fuel production...
Oil is the blood and ambrosia of our civilization. Cheap, abundant, versatile, mobile, liquid... It is in many aspects irreplaceable. Unlike electricity which can be generator into existence from a number of sources: coal, gas, nuclear .. and yes, even solar. Therefore I must disagree with...
Spare capacity is additional capacity that can be brought online within 90 days in case of an emergency (e.g when the US or Israel attacks Iran). The US Energy Information Administration and OECD International Energy Agency think that spare capacity of Saudi Arabia amounts to 1.5 to 2 ...
By harnessing the country’s excellent solar and wind resources and implementing renewable energy, Saudi Arabia might, in fact, profitably satisfy its future electricity, water, and gas needs [70,71]. Elminshawy et al. [68,72] proposed a desalination system that uses solar energy and low-...