A major Saudi petrochemical company, SABIC has unveiled plans to launch four new technology and innovation facilities in 2013, two of them in the emerging economies of India and China. Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) will launch its new centres in Bangalore and Shanghai to host around...
Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (Riyadh, SA) SABIC Global Technologies, B.V. (PX Bergen Op Zoom, NL) International Classes: C10G65/00;C10G9/36;C10G47/00;C10G65/10;C10G65/12 ...
Al-humydi, Abdulaziz Hamad (Riyadh, SA) Nesakumar, Edward Joseph (Bangalore, IN) Application Number: 14/907923 Publication Date: 01/16/2018 Filing Date: 07/29/2014 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: SAUDI BASIC INDUSTRIES CORPORATION (Riyadh, SA) SABIC GLOBAL ...
In October last year, it was reported that theSaudi Arabian Football Federation (SAFF)had awarded a contract to the localAl Osais Contracting Companyfor the early works for the Dammam football stadium. The scope includes site preparation, enabling works and basic infrastructure works. Image: Minist...
The present invention relates to a process for converting a hydrocarbon feedstock into olefins and preferably also into BTX, said converting process comprising the following steps o