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鞭牛士 11月24日消息,沙特阿美石油公司基础油公司(Saudi Aramco Base Oil Co.)获批IPO。…
【沙特阿美基础油公司计划IPO 或筹资超10亿美元】财联社4月5日电,消息人士称,沙特阿美石油公司基础油公司(Luberef, Saudi Aramco Base Oil Co.)正计划首次公开募股,可能筹集超过10亿美元,汇丰控股和SNB资本将为此次发行提供建议。沙特阿美石油公司基础油公司将加入已经在沙特证券交易所上市的几家阿美公司的行列,包括...
20:35 财联社11月24日电,沙特阿美基础油公司(Saudi Aramco Base Oil Co.)IPO获批。 财联社声明:文章内容仅供参考,不构成投资建议。投资者据此操作,风险自担。
Saudi Arabian Oil Co (Saudi Aramco) is a state owned energy and chemical company. It carries out the exploration, production and processing of crude oil and natural gas, refining, fractionation of natural gas, production of petrochemicals, and distribution of petroleum products and natural gas. Th...
The latest news, analysis and opinion on Saudi Aramco. In-depth analysis, industry insights and expert opinion
THE world's biggest oil producer, Saudi Arabian Oil Co., or Saudi Aramco, will partner with a consortium of Indian state-run companies to set up the largest global refinery and petrochemical complex at Ratnagiri in Maharashtra at an investment of $44 billion.Popular Plastics &...
Saudi Aramco Base Oil Company JSC的上修每股收益的分析师人数,最近60天排名为第0名,处于板块内0.0%的水平。下表提供了更多数据的摘要: 板块材料的上修每股收益的分析师人数,最近60天 经济风险区类别 发展中 全部成分股 80 包括的成分股 80 分钟 0 最大值 2 中位数 0 平均值 0 标准差 1 用本选股器选股...
The leading global oil, gas and energy news resource. Covering the latest oil and gas news including shale, lng, drilling, exploration and production.
Saudi Aramco is the world's largest oil producer.1Officially known as Saudi Arabian Oil Company, the company is primarily state-owned and is based in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.2It is the world's most profitable company, eclipsing even tech giants such as Apple (AAPL), and Microsoft(MSFT).3 ...