The meaning of SAUDI ARABIA is country in southwestern Asia between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf and occupying most of Arabia; capital Riyadh area 830,000 square miles (2,149,690 square kilometers), population 33,091,000.
Map of Saudi Arabia The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Al-Mamlaka al-Arabiya as-Saudiya / KSA) or shortly called Saudi Arabia in southwestern Asia is bordered on the north by Jordan, Iraq, and Kuwait; on the east by the Arabian Gulf (Persian Gulf), Qatar, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emir...
Saudi Arabia Photo by: ayazadBasic Data Official Country Name: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Region (Map name): Middle East Population: 22,757,092 Language(s): Arabic Literacy rate: 62.8% Area: 1,960,582 sq km GDP: 173,287 (US$ millions) Number of Television Stations: 117 Num...
Al Mansurah, Cornish, Jeddah, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 1162 Check inFri, Feb 28 Check outSat, Mar 1 Check availability & prices 1/1 "An excellent hotel, with excellent services and taffs" "Near Perfect Hotel Experience" "Good value for money and excellent location for families" ...
NEOM will be six times the size of Dubai and 33 times the size of New York. It will cost the Saudi government more than $500 billion.
Population of the State of Kuwait is composed of three genetic subgroups of inferred Persian, Saudi Arabian tribe and Bedouin ancestry. The Saudi Arabian tribe subgroup traces its origin to the Najd region of Saudi Arabia. By sequencing two whole genomes and thirteen exomes from this subgroup at...
Saudi Arabia is a sparsely populated kingdom in the Middle East, known for its oil industry and ruled by the Saud family that embraced the conservative Wahhabi Islamic movement in the 18th century.
Mecca is a city in Saudi Arabia and the site of the holiest place in Islam, to which all devout and able Muslims must visit on pilgrimage (hajj) at least once in their lifetime.
Best Dissertation Writers UK, USA, Canada, Saudi ArabiaGuide to Write Discussion and Conclusion Chapters for an MBA Dissertation How to Write Discussion and Conclusion Chapters for an MBA Dissertation An overwhelming 67% of business students don’t know how to write discussion and conclusion chapters...
Saudi Arabian Political Map and Borders The political map of Saudi Arabia reveals its strategic location on the continent ofAsia, sharing borders with several Middle Eastern andAfricancountries. To the north, it is bordered by Jordan and Iraq, while Yemen lies to the south. ...