some sectors have been restricted. Sales and retail jobs are now reserved for local inhabitants. The foreigners from USA, Europe, and Asia can still find relevant and rewarding work in the country. They can work as Analysts, Training Managers, Computer...
Saudi Arabia has been relatively closed off for decades and until recently unrelated men and women, including foreigners, could be severely punished for mixing in public. Strict social codes have been relaxed in recent years and previously banned entertainment has flourished. But an in...
All jobs in Saudi Arabia’s health sector will be filled by nationals within the next five years, according to a report in the kingdom. Sources told English language Saudi Gazette that government agencies were currently working on ‘Saudisation’ of the sector, which would be based on the a...
How to Apply for Saudi Clearance Police Certificate for Foreigners A Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) is an essential document issued by the government or police authorities, indicating whether an individual has a criminal record. This document is essential for foreign nationals in Saudi Arabia, ser...
Saudi Arabia Appearance Never show bare shoulders, stomach, calves and thighs. Visitors are expected to abide by local standards of modesty however, do not adopt native clothing. Traditional clothes on foreigners may be offensive. Despite the heat, most of the body must always remain covered. A...
1.(Placename) of or relating to Saudi Arabia or its inhabitants 2.(Peoples) of or relating to Saudi Arabia or its inhabitants n (Peoples) a native or inhabitant of Saudi Arabia Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, ...
The youth and women, unfortunately, have been the most affected groups of the high unemployment rate in Saudi Arabia. In an effort to decrease the number of unemployed, the government of Saudi Arabia introduced the Saudization program in an attempt to create jobs for Saudi job seekers. The ...
approach one hundred percent. The population of Saudi Arabia is primarily composed of Arabs whose ancestors have lived in the area for many centuries. The population of Saudi Arabia is about 29.2 million, of which 20.2 million are Saudi nationals and 9 million foreigners of Pakistanis, Egyptians,...
The life expectancy at birth is 73.51 years for males and 77.16 years for females. High percentages of private sector workers are foreigners, whereas about half of working-age Saudis hold mainly government jobs. Although the country possesses the largest petroleum reserves in the world, its per ...