出生率 (Birth rate) 13.9 出生/1,000 人口(2023 年估计) 国家与世界比较:127 死亡率 (Death rate) 3.45 人死亡/1,000 人(2023 年估计) 国家与世界比较:222 净迁移率 (Net migration rate) 6.07 名移民/1,000 人(2023 年估计) 国家与世界比较:15 城镇化 (Urbanization) 城市人口:占总人口的 85%(20...
In 2023, Saudi Arabia's estimated unemployment rate amounted to approximately 4.88 percent. This decrease is down almost 1 percent from the year before. The unemployment rate is defined as the percentage of unemployed workers in the total labor force. Where are people employed? Saudi Arabia's ...
FinancialStabilityReport2023 SaudiCentralBank FinancialStabilityDepartment KingSaudBinAbdulazizStreet P.O.Box2992 11169Riyadh KingdomofSaudiArabia E-mail:FinancialStabilityDepartment@SAMA.GOV.SA Theyear2022markedcontinuedgrowthfortheSaudieconomy,despiteglobaleconomicchallenges,whichinclude geopoliticaldevelopments,inflatio...
Data sets offering a full view of Saudi Arabia’s GDP, economy, trade and finance sector. With links to recent news coverage and analysis.
Maintaining that momentum and commitment to diversify the economy will be pivotal for the long-term investment case. So far, we are encouraged by what we have seen on the ground. What is Saudi Arabia 2030 Vision? The main goals are to encourage investment in t...
Partnering with China will unlock new opportunities and diversify Saudi Arabia's economy, as success has been made in decoupling from oil sector, according to Saleh Khabti, Deputy Investment Minister for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He mentioned that the options for cooperation...
Saudi Arabia’s economy is oil-based, with petroleum accounting for nearly 42% of the country’s GDP. The government has recently been trying to diversify the economy in the wake of large falls in oil prices with private investment in healthcare and tourism industries as well as improvements ...
SINGAPORE (ICIS)--Saudi Arabia, the world's biggest crude exporter, is expected to post a slower GDPgrowth of 2.1% this year in view of production cuts announced in April, according to the InternationalMonetary Fund (IMF). The country's additional voluntary oil production cut of 1m bbl/day...
Al-Falih noted that Saudi Arabia, the Gulf Cooperation Council’s fastest-growing economy, achieved 3 billion euros in French investment in 2023. France is the Kingdom’s second-largest foreign investor. “We are ahead of targets in overall investment, and (France) was a significant part in ...
Faisal Alibrahim, Ministro dell’Economia e della Pianificazione dell’Arabia Saudita, ha recentemente affermato che l’economia non petrolifera dell’Arabia Saudita mostrerà una crescita costante nei prossimi anni. Ha previsto che entro il 2024,