Saturn sextile Neptune natal gives strong faith and belief in yourself. You place a lot of weight on being true to your standards and ideals, not those of others. Also, you judge yourself and your achievements by these high standards but are too hard on yourself sometimes. You have the pa...
Transiting Saturn conjunct, square, or opposition Natal Neptune You may feel at odds with your fears and phobias, having difficulty understanding yourself and accepting bad habits, anxieties, and addictions. There can be some self-criticism as you begin to see some of your escapist tendencies for...
Saturn square Neptune natal creates tests and challenges in achieving your hopes and dreams. These tests and challenges can be psychological in the form of guilt, fears, and anxieties. You may also face delays and restrictions from other people or events. This is a karmic aspect, so you may...
Moon trine Neptune, at 11:24 a.m.(9:26 a.m. - 1:21 p.m.) on 27 December 2024, 11:23:52|with natal chart voc Moon void of course (Scorpio), at 11:24 a.m.(11:24 a.m. - 4:46 p.m.) on 27 December 2024, 11:23:52|with natal chart ...
More Aspects of Venus in the Natal Chart:Venus-Sun aspects|Venus-Moon aspects|Venus-Mercury aspects|Venus-Mars aspects|Venus-Jupiter aspects|Venus-Saturn aspects|Venus-Uranus aspects|Venus-Neptune aspects|Venus-Pluto aspects|Venus-Chiron aspects|Venus-Ascendant aspects ...
The Moon also trines Uranus in Taurus The Moon as well as Pluto trine Mars in a very early degree of Gemini Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, currently retrograde in Pisces, doesn’t make a lot of strong aspects in this Full Moon chart, but it is still within 10 degrees of Neptune and...
Transiting Saturn Trine Uranus: Your Madness/Genius Is Under Careful Control Transiting Saturn Trine Natal Neptune: Earth Magic Transiting Saturn Trine Pluto: Change That Is Long Lasting and Easy to Achieve The Saturn Return: It’s Time… Redefine Your Life’s Purpose: Saturn’s Transiting Square...
On Monday, Mercury trines both Neptune and Saturn. Mercury is in Cancer, which is a water sign and more intuitive. We like to think that our thoughts are rational and objective, but they more often than not are driven by feelings and fundamental needs. The mind can rationalize anything, ...
and build most quickly—and this is so in spite of a highly positive Saturn relationship in my natal scenario–direct in Sag, in the 10th, trine Uranus, sextile Mars, Jupiter, Sun, Chiron. When Saturn goes direct, I become much more aware of just what restricts me–and I can have a...
Aspects of the Saturn and Pluto Hard Aspects: The native's best efforts and particularly his/her own sense of security are forced into matters dealing with social situations in need of change and overhaul. There is much inner debate as to how well the native feels he/she can afford to put...