Moon sextile Sun, exact at 08:35 Moon conjunction Ascendant, exact at 13:52 Moon in 1st house, from 13:52 Important long-term influences "Cautious action" (Saturn sextile MC) "Crazy" (Uranus square Moon) "What all this is for" (Saturn in 8th house) ...
If your natal Saturn is well-aspected, significant changes, decisions and achievements can be made relatively easily. But if your natal Saturn has harsh aspects, this transit is more likely to result in a crisis of confidence, and you will have to overcome some adversity to achieve the same...
Its so comforting reading your stories.Of course i would prefer for all of us for things to be different.Well,me too,having venus squre saturn and neptune,saturn square sun and mars,all my personal planets in the 12th house and various other things i can relate with you all.I had a re...
Transiting Saturn square Jupiter When transiting Saturn squares natal Jupiter, you may be required to re-align your plans and goals, particularly in business, towards more realistic avenues. Circumstances may be such that you need to pare down your endeavors and concentrate your energies on fewer,...
In the Natal Chart WithSaturn forming a square to Uranus in the birth chart, there may seem to be more abrupt changes, shake-ups, or disruptions in your life than the average person, especially if an inner planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars) is involved with the Saturn-Uranus...
Transiting Saturn square natal Saturn at the closing square happens around age 21 and is the threshold for adulthood. Saturn return First return at 28/30 the age of maturity where you stop blaming yoru parents for your woes and take ownership for your life. ...
Jupiter was at 10° Pisces square Saturn at 10° Sagittarius. A woman named “Brenda” had the 1981 Jupiter-Saturn conjunction conjunct her natal Venus-Neptune in Libra. She began to teach art (Libra rules art and beauty). Jupiter-Saturn was transiting her 11th house so her teaching involved...
Confrontational Mars, in critiquing Virgo, was also applying to an exact square to the empowering Sun in wordsmith Gemini – seemingly a perfect match for the song’s more confrontational lyrics. Thelyrics are about a woman – a debutante – who has lost everything and is now living on the...
Bitcoin,daily astrology,money,moon conjunct uranus,Moon square Saturn,new beginnings,Sun sextile Mars Cosmic Weather: “Flexibility is the key to stability.”John Wooden The Waxing Moon is spending her first full day in stabilizing Taurus. She’s also still in her New Moon phase. A perfect ti...
Moon-Saturn Synastry ByastrologyplacePosted onJuly 9, 2012 The combination of theMoon in conjunction with Saturn, opposition to Saturn, or square to Saturnin a synastry chart holds a profound influence on relationships. This cosmic alignment brings together the emotional and practical aspects of a ...