"Crazy" (Uranus square Moon) "What all this is for" (Saturn in 8th house) "Compassion and sympathy" (Chiron sextile Moon) "Freedom to be yourself" (Uranus sextile Mars) "Knowing is believing" (Jupiter in 9th house) "Seek self-awareness" (Mars in 12th house) ...
If your natal Saturn is well-aspected, significant changes, decisions and achievements can be made relatively easily. But if your natal Saturn has harsh aspects, this transit is more likely to result in a crisis of confidence, and you will have to overcome some adversity to achieve the same...
Mars trine Saturn maximum orb 5°00′. Mars trine Saturn natal gives the passion, dedication, and endurance to achieve great success. You are a sexy, charismatic, and smooth operator. Your physical body is well-proportioned, muscular, and attractive. ...
Therefore, every 7 years or so, Saturn will transit conjunct, square, or opposite a natal point. When that natal point is an intensely personal planet or point (such as the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury, Venus, or Mars), we feel its effects in an intensely personal way....
In the Natal Chart WithSaturn forming a square to Uranus in the birth chart, there may seem to be more abrupt changes, shake-ups, or disruptions in your life than the average person, especially if an inner planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars) is involved with the Saturn-Uranus...
Transiting Saturn square natal Saturn at the closing square happens around age 21 and is the threshold for adulthood. Saturn return First return at 28/30 the age of maturity where you stop blaming yoru parents for your woes and take ownership for your life. ...
Kagan’s confirmation to the Supreme Court comes just as Mars and Saturn, and later today, Venus, occupy the sign of matrimonial Libra which also rules justice and the courts. All three planets are caught in the crossfire of the Cardinal T-Square, a time of big changes for the collective...
it demands an accounting as to how the individual is able to perform in the indicated area. Saturn transits its natal place in the chart around ages 28, 56 and 84. Each period represents a major accounting of the lessons Saturn is attempting to teach that individual. Most people find this...
Bitcoin,daily astrology,money,moon conjunct uranus,Moon square Saturn,new beginnings,Sun sextile Mars Cosmic Weather: “Flexibility is the key to stability.”John Wooden The Waxing Moon is spending her first full day in stabilizing Taurus. She’s also still in her New Moon phase. A perfect ti...
Soft Aspects: The native is ambitious, energetic, powerful, tolerant and able to organize and control the power of his/her will. Opportunities to regenerate him/herself come through hard work and discipline. The native's ability to arouse enthusiasm in others allows him/her to get much accompli...