Differences in the solar wind interaction with the magnetosphere of Saturn relative to the Earth result from the decrease in the solar wind plasma density and magnetic field strength with distance from the Sun, and from the change in the average angle of the IMF at Saturn's orbit. Other ...
where is a parallel wavenumber; is ion thermal velocity; is the transverse electric field fluctuation for wavenumber ; and is magnetic field strength. The coefficients correspond to transport contributions from Landau damping, magnetic field gradient drift, and transit time damping, respectively. Coeffici...
The magnetic field strength (in the fourth panel) is significantly reduced because of the pressure of the magnetosheath-like plasma, and the principal component in the field changes from radial to azimuthal. As Bϕ reduces to small values this cool population is replaced by warm electrons (...
9. Snapshots of magnetic field at the planetary surface. (a) Case 4 with contour step 50 nT, (b) case 4a with 2000 nT contour step. field strength inside the "naked" dynamos 1a and 4a is compa- rable to that of their counterparts, being slightly larger, and the spectra of the ...
The model is tailored to simulate prevailing conditions in the interplanetary medium, corresponding to high solar wind dynamic pressure and variable interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) strength and direction determined from suitably lagged field data observed just upstream of Saturnapos;s dayside bow ...
The sources associated with the satellites Dione and Tethys are probably of lesser strength. The presence of this plasma torus is expected to have a large influence on the dynamics of Saturn's magnetosphere, since the pressure ratio of these plasmas approaches unity at radial distances as close ...
(2007) examined the ring current in the dayside/dawn sector using magnetic field data (Bz component only) observed on near-equatorial orbits from the first two years of the Cassini mission, combined with data from Pioneer-11 and the two Voyager spacecraft. They showed that the strength and ...
Saturn can be considered as the geometric mean of Earth and Jupiter in terms of the strength and extent of its magnetic field. Three papers in this issue -by Clarke et al., Kurth et al. and Crary et al. - describe the response of Saturn's magnetosphere to changes in the solar wind ...
field are dominant, consistent with Cassini's location under a current sheet where the magnetic field has a lagging configuration. The measured field strength is also larger than that due to Saturn's internal field, indicating that the observed field is dominated by the external current systems. ...
The way we form a magnetic circuit results in a magnetic field strength that is significantly stronger than all others. The way we form a rotor and attach the mirror is also stronger. The position sensor offers a stronger signal-to-noise ratio and lower capacitance, and the bearings are ...