(Classical Myth & Legend) the Roman god of agriculture and vegetation. Greek counterpart:Cronus Saturn (ˈsætɜːn) n 1.(Astronomy) one of thegiant planets, the sixth planet from the sun, around which revolve planar concentric rings (Saturn's rings) consisting of small frozen particl...
Many of Saturn’s moons, including Titan, Iapetus, and Hyperion, are named after the Titans, the elder gods who were the siblings and predecessors of the Olympian gods in Greek mythology. 71. Saturn’s moon Daphnis creates waves in the rings. Saturn’s moon Daphnis, located within the Keel...
noun (Roman Myth.) One of the elder and principal deities, the son of Cœlus and Terra (Heaven and Earth), and the father of Jupiter. The corresponding Greek divinity was Kro`nos, later CHro`nos, Time. noun (Astron.) One of the planets of the solar system, next in magnitude to ...
Let's look at the Roman myth of Saturn first. Saturn (known as Cronus in the Greek mythology) was a Titan - the 6th of seven Titans born to the Roman gods Terra (Mother Earth) and Caelus (Father Sky). Right here we must pause and consider that terminology. Is it saying that the ...
Some say that he succeeded to the kingship after Kronos (Cronus) passed from among men into the company of the gods, not by overcoming his father with violence, but in the manner prescribed by custom and justly, having been judged worthy of that honour. But others recount a myth, which ...
In ancient Roman religion and myth, Saturn (Latin: Saturnus) was a god of agriculture, liberation, and time. His reign was depicted as a Golden Age of abundance and peace. He was thus a god of wealth, and the Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum housed the state treasury. In December...
It depicts the Greek myth of the Titan Cronus (in the title Romanised to Saturn), who, fearing that his children would overthrow him, ate each one upon their birth. It is one of the series of Black Paintings that Goya painted directly onto the walls of his house sometime between 1819 ...
Saturn, in Roman religion, the god of sowing or seed. The Romans equated him with the Greek agricultural deity Cronus. The remains of Saturn’s temple at Rome, eight columns of the pronaos (porch), still dominate the west end of the Forum at the foot of
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus. Related to saturnalias: SaturnalianSaturn, in Roman religion and mythology Saturn, in Roman religion and mythology, god of harvests, later identified with the Greek Kronos. Little is known of the origins of his cult. His reign was regarded as the Golden...
Greek and Hindu myth give way to intimate erotic meditations and wickedly satirical society portraits, mythological landscapes alternate with gritty narratives of mid-nineteenth century Paris, visions of happiness yield to nightmarish glimpses of deep alienation, and real and imaginary characters--including...