Saturday Night Fever(1977)美国/ 剧情 / 爱情 / 音乐 / 1977-12-16(美国)上映 / 片长118分钟 想看 看过 豆瓣评分TM打开App评分 8.0 9634人评分可在线观看 打开豆瓣App查看播放源 剧情简介 Tony Manero(约翰·特拉沃尔塔 John Travolta 饰)是纽约布鲁克林区一个19岁的青年,白天在一个五金店打工,看起来是一...
Bee Gees - Saturday Night Fever 周末夜狂热 (John Travolta 约翰·特拉沃尔塔) [1977]共计4条视频,包括:Bee Gees - Saturday Night Fever 周末夜狂热 (John Travolta 约翰·特拉沃尔塔) [1977]、Bee Gees - more than a woman (Dancing Saturday Night Fever)、John Tra
Happiest Day of the Week? Italia, Yes! Mafia, No! American Film Institute's Top 35 Songs of All Time Favorite John Travolta Movie Favorite movie based on a magazine article? Recently viewed Please enable browser cookies to use this feature.Learn more....
【幕后花絮/720P/英字】周末夜狂热 Saturday Night Fever (1977) 4.7万 1354 1:50:49 App 【戴耳机】Bee Gees一夜绝响(One Night Only)1997演唱会 2.5万 67 16:05 App Bee Gees - Saturday Night Fever 周末夜狂热 (John Travolta 约翰·特拉沃尔塔) [1977]浏览...
#航空历史# 1978年,在电影《Saturday Night Fever周末夜狂热》播出后不久,John Travolta约翰.特拉沃尔塔人气正旺。英国著名节目主持人David Frost大卫.弗罗斯特在他的节目“Headliners with David Frost”中采访了特拉沃尔塔。可能因为特拉沃尔塔是一位狂热的航空迷,在当时甚至已经考取了飞行驾照,这次节目是在一架DC-3上拍...
Saturday Night Fever(1977) Share Tweet Post More It has been said that “meditation in movement has a thousand times more value than meditation in stillness.“ The credit sequence toSaturday Night Feveris absolute proof. This monumental opening title features John Travolta’s absurdly vacuous expres...
cattle tick fever───牛蜱热 parturient fevers───产妇发烧 双语使用场景 clouds over Shanghai on Saturday developed into "Rain" fever in the night at the city's Hongkou Soccer Stadium.───周六上海乌云密布使虹口体育馆的“雨”持续升温。 Then, at the end of the 70 s, Travolta starred ...
电影以70年代的纽约作为背景,讲述了普通青年John Travolta饰演的Tony Manero在每周六的夜总会舞会上成为舞王的故事。影片以舞蹈为主线,展现了那个时代舞者们对舞步的追求和对音乐的热爱。Tony Manero的形象深入人心,他的舞步和自信在舞池中熠熠生辉,让人无法忘怀。电影中的音乐是其最突出的亮点之一。Bee...
《週末夜狂熱》(Saturday Night Fever),是派拉蒙電影公司於1977年發行的一部音樂片。該片由約翰•貝德漢(John Badham)指導,約翰•屈伏塔(John Travolta)與凱倫•琳恩葛妮(Karen Lynn Gorney)擔崗主演。 這部影片捧紅了青春舞王約翰•屈伏塔,同時將比吉斯樂團(Bee Gees)帶上了音樂巔峰,帶動Disco舞蹈在1977年狂...
Saturday Night Fever always manages to deceive the viewer. When the 1977 film begins—with John Travolta’s Tony Manero strutting down the street, flares swinging along to Bee Gees’ “Stayin’ Alive”—you can’t help but feel a pang of excitement. Despite being sent out on an errand, ...