funny hd memes working saturday meme weekend plans meme weekend memes weekendmemes funny weekend meme weekend humor weekday memes thursday morningmeme sunday memes saturday shopping meme saturday quotes saturdaynight memes saturday night meme saturdaynight images saturday nightfunny quotes saturdaymorning quo...
Glados speech part 1 Well, “the cake is a lie” became this huge meme and it got written on t-shirts above artwork featuring a cake for some reason (“Ceci n’est pas un gateau” would, at least, be funny!) and people who had never played the game started yelling “THE CAKE IS ...
RuchikaSpent Saturday morning reading my New Yorker and sketching at this new cafe in Lincoln Square, Chicago. #art #drawdaily
Having a No.1 album isn’t meaningless as it increases the likelihood of being covered by the press, This Morning and BBC breakfast as a filler at the end of the program etc etc etc 0 SDE Resident Bjorkestral Manoeuvres in the Dark 2 years ago The thing with cassette ‘sales’ ...
Saturday Night is all about the challenge of surviving until the next morning. As it happened, SNL continued through the disco years, Reaganomics, the Monica Lewinsky embarrassments and Florida’s hanging chads and deep into the current century. It has become the establishment...
We do have the beautiful Mendocino County scenery: Inland storm clouds East of Willits and Muir Mill Rd roadside Daisies. Also a funny Meme. Windward course and all. ED NOTE: I enjoy R.D. hugely. I chant his observations to myself for double the fun. ...