. Buffalo. N.Y. -' George A. Fuller, trance and normal, Dover, Mass. Nettie M. P. Fox, Rochester, N, Y. Mrs. M. II. Fulled, Saratoga, Santa Clara Co., Cal. After a sojourn among tho trials unit exiwrleuees of earth- llfo which passed, hy lint a few months, tho sum...
423 Mr. Capron was an Intimate friend of the Fox family, and Catherine Fox was staying with him at explanation of the "raps" hi a letter to the Buffalo Co nm-rclal Adver tiser, dated Feb 17th. ISM. hrfnrr making the Inves'iKvi.m on the strength of which they Issued their ...
The Oneonta Outlaws who call historic Damaschke Field in Oneonta, NY their home and are members of the Perfect Game Collegiate Baseball League, are all ready to take on the Watertown Rapids in the home opener on June 4. Nothing says "summer" like taking in a baseball game and at Damaschke...
v2 4t DR. RICARDO Is ready to pive lessons in modem Languages at the Harlem Academy, 120th-street, near 8d Avenue. Young gentlemen and ladies from the neighboring country, disposedAo learn during the day, or in the evening classes, may come aud trust with fuH confidence in Dr. Ricardo ...
Excursion tickets to and from Watkins's Glen—round trip: Now York City, $13; Dunkirk, $8; Buffalo, $5,75; to produce what may be called our physical The lightning, that now performs the duties of Salamanca, $7,50. (Hope to get bettor rates.) . memory. Other parts of these ...