Water vapor is almost always present in the surrounding air. Note! - the equations below is for pure water vapor - not moist air. Saturation Pressure of Water Vapor The maximum saturation pressure of the water vapor in moist air varies with the temperature of the air vapor mixture and can ...
饱和水蒸气压(Saturation water vapour pressure)水蒸气与水(或冰)面共处于相平衡时的水蒸气压。www.baike.com|基于36个网页 2. 饱和水蒸汽压 3.4 饱和水蒸汽压(saturation water vapour pressure):水蒸汽与水(或冰)面共处于 相平衡时的水蒸汽压。饱和水蒸汽压一 …www.docin.com|基于2个网页 3. 饱和水气压...
A simple expression for the saturation vapour pressure of water in the range- 50 to 140° C. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 1971 Apr 1;4(4):L15.Richards, J. M.: A simple expression for the saturation vapour pres- ... JM Richards - 《Journal of Physics D Applied Physics A...
relative vapour pressure 相对蒸气压 vapour pressure curve 蒸气压力曲线 saturated water vapour pressure 饱和水汽压 相似单词 saturation n. 1. 饱和,饱和过程,饱和状态 2. 浸透;渗透 3. 色饱和度;色泽纯度 4.【气象学】饱和湿度 5.【物理学】磁化饱和 6.【市场分析】饱和;饱和状态 7.【军事】饱和轰炸...
saturation vapour pressureVAPOR-PRESSURE FORMULATIONENHANCEMENT FACTORSWater as an important component of the atmosphere together with energy of the sun is primarily responsible for most of weather phenomena and is mainly qualitatively noticed as humidity. Under natural environmental conditions it is the ...
The saturation vapor pressure of water, Ps(T) [106]. (1.22)Ps=P0exp−EvRT Boiling point is the saturation temperature. The liquid is said to be thermally saturated. A phase transition occurs when thermal energy is added. As thermal energy (heat) is removed from a vapor at saturation ...
water surface than over a plane water surface. At a temperature of 30°C the saturation vapor pressure does not exceed 42.4 millibars; at 0°C it is 6.1 millibars, and at – 20°C it is equal to 1.27 millibars over water and 1.03 millibars over ice (1 millibar = 102newtons per ...
内容提示: Clausius-Clapeyron equation and saturation vapour pressure: simple theory reconciled with practice Demetris Koutsoyiannis Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece E-mail: dk@itia.ntua.gr; URL: http...
___is the actual amount of water vapour in the air compared with the saturation (饱和)amount of water vapour in the air at the same temperature and pressure.the figure is usually expressed as a percentage ,with saturated air having a relative humidity of 100%.(2分) A. Dewpointtemperature...
Fig. 3.7. The influence of temperature on the saturated water vapour pressure of water. The point X represents air at 18°C and 1.0 KPa vapour pressure (e). The line Y-X-Z, with a slope of −γ, gives the wet-bulb temperature (T′) where it intercepts the curve at Y (12°C)...