Reverse saturation current, also known as leakage current, is the flow of minority carriers (electrons in a P-N junction diode) from the heavily doped side to the lightly doped side when a reverse voltage is applied. It is the current that flows when the diode is in the reverse biased st...
2) reverse saturation current 反向饱和电流 1. In certain range, the CIGS solar cells with the lower values of diode quality factor A and reverse saturation current J0 show the higher efficiency, which indicates the recombination of light-generated carrier mainly occurred in the PN junction. ...
voltage saturationBoundary conditions similar to the Fletcher boundary conditions have been obtained for the high-low junction. Using these conditions the voltage saturation effect has been discussed. It is shown that the saturation of voltage and consequently the saturation of surface-recombination ...
The ideal diode symbol has an arrow that points in the direction of ___. A、the leakage current flow B、the forward current flow C、positive terminal under forward bias D、All of the above 点击查看答案 第9题 Which type of current is dominant for a pn junction under reverse bias? A、...
In certain range, the CIGS solar cells with the lower values of diode quality factor A and reverse saturation current J0 show the higher efficiency, which indicates the recombination of light-generated carrier mainly occurred in the PN junction. 在一定范围内,CIGS薄膜电池的二极管品质因子A和反向饱...
Liang Q C,Shi J W,Guo S X,Liu K X,Cao J S.Dependence of Junction Voltage Saturation on Uniformity and Quality of Laser Diode Bars. Chinese PhysicsLetters . 2009Dependence of Junction Voltage Saturation on Uniformity and Quality of Laser Diode Bars. Liang Q C,Shi J W,Guo S X,Liu K ...
Liang Q C,Shi J W,Guo S X,Liu K X,Cao J S.Dependence of Junction Voltage Saturation on Uniformity and Quality of Laser Diode Bars. Chinese PhysicsLetters . 2009Dependence of Junction Voltage Saturation on Uniformity and Quality of Laser Diode Bars. Liang Q C,Shi J W,Guo S X,Liu K ...
2) reverse saturation current 反向饱和电流 1. In certain range, the CIGS solar cells with the lower values of diode quality factor A andreverse saturation currentJ0 show the higher efficiency, which indicates the recombination of light-generated carrier mainly occurred in the PN junction. ...
1) reverse saturation current 反向饱和电流1. In certain range, the CIGS solar cells with the lower values of diode quality factor A and reverse saturation current J0 show the higher efficiency, which indicates the recombination of light-generated carrier mainly occurred in the PN junction. 在...