CHEMISTRY GLOSSARY saturated solution zasićena otopina Saturated solution is a solution that holds the maximum possible amount of dissolved material. When saturated, the rate of dissolving solid and that of recrystallisation solid are the same, and a condition of equilibrium is reached. The amount...
In subject area:Chemistry A saturated solution is a solution in which the concentration of dissolved solute is equal to that which would be in equilibrium with undissolved solute under the given conditions. From:Chemistry: With Inorganic Qualitative Analysis,1980 ...
saturated solution Definition ofsaturated solution 1) Solution in which no more solute will dissolve. Share & Recommend Tweet
•asaturatedsaltsolution•Asaturatedsolution is indynamicequilibriumwith undissolved solute.•Thebandagearound hiskneewas alreadysaturatedwith blood.•Consequently thesaturatedzonemust be constantlyflushedby undersaturated water ifdissolutionis to be aneffectivemechanism.saturated with•Thepillowwassaturated...
Related to Saturation (chemistry):Unsaturated solution The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Saturated Solution a solution in stable equilibrium with an excess of the solute under given conditions (temperature and pressure). Examp...
You encounter saturated solutions in daily life, not just in a chemistry lab. Also, the solvent does not need to be water. Here are some common examples: A soda is a saturated solution of carbon dioxide in water. This is why, when the pressure is released,carbon dioxide gas formsbubbles...
Getting back to the sugar in hot water example: why does the dissolution rate of sugar slow down as we approach the saturation point? The answer has to do with the concept of dynamic equilibrium, a core principle in the science of solution chemistry. A dynamic equilibrium is established when...
Getting back to the sugar in hot water example: why does the dissolution rate of sugar slow down as we approach the saturation point? The answer has to do with the concept of dynamic equilibrium, a core principle in the science of solution chemistry. A dynamic equilibrium is established when...
Example:When you grow crystals from an aqueous (water) solution, you dissolve as much solute into the water as you can, to the point where no more will dissolve. This produces asaturated solution. Saturated Definition #3 Although not a technical chemistry definition, saturated may mean thoroughl...
Hey I'm having trouble with this chemistry question... Can anyone help?? A chemist wishes to prepare 200mL of a saturated solution of BaF2, the concentration of which is 6.3 x 10-3 mol/L. So how do I determine the mass of BaF2 that will be needed to make up the 200mL of the ...