Welcome to Sattva Yoga Gear. Shop online or in-store for yoga mats, blocks, meditation cushions & more. Made in Cape Town, South Africa.
A beautiful yoga studio offering Hatha, Yin, Kundalini and more classes for all levels, as well as meditation and strength & conditioning training.
Sattva Yoga 源于喜马拉雅山脉的吠陀和谭崔的传统,由喜马拉雅瑜伽大师Anand Mehrotra创始并发展于印度喜马拉雅山脚下的瑞诗凯诗(Rishikesh)。作为当今世上最具综合性的瑜伽习练,将瑜伽最精华的习练及知识极为有效地综合起来,包括智慧传授、冥想、体式瑜伽、呼吸练习、克里亚、音流练习、拉亚、奉爱、苏菲、自由动作、以及...
Sattva Yoga Academy has it’s yogi philosophy weaved into all the teachings, with the aim of creating a diverse group of Yoga Leaders, Visionaries, and Entrepreneurs. The Ethos of our community is based on Sattva Yoga principles, which promote growth and unity. Sattva, a Sanskrit word meaning...
USD 2000: Super Deluxe Double Occupancy Room USD 1250: Online * For Single Occupancy Room kindly add USD 300 Extra * USD 350 deposit required to hold a spot * All deposits are non-refundable, but can be transferred to other upcoming training at Sattva Yoga Academy. The deposit is valid fo...
Sattva Center for Meditation & Yoga is a yoga studio offering Ashtanga Yoga, meditation, gentle yoga, teen yoga, & massage
Join Sattva Online 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training course, Learn authentic yoga practices and become a certified yoga teacher from the comfort of your place.
Sattva Yoga Retreat.. Mohan chatti via Laxmanjhula P.O. Jogian PIN 249304 District Pauri Garhwal Uttrakhand Himalaya India Which Airport do I Fly into? The best airport to fly into for your International flight is the New Delhi International Airport How do I get to Sattva, Rishike...
The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yuj which can be translated into English as “to unite, to join or to connect”. The unity comes when the mind and body work as one. What is Hatha? The word Hatha is composed of “sun” (ha) and “moon” (tha) and conveys a feeling ...