Welch-Satterthwaite T-Test Definition In case where one has to compare two non-paired groups with unequal variances, the standard t-test which assumes equality if variances of the two groups, cannot be used. The test then used is called the Welch-Satterthwaite t-test. Method: The null hypoth...
A comparison between the two-sample t test and Satterthwaite''s approximate F test is made, assuming the choice between these two tests is based on a preliminary test on the variances. Exact formulas for the sizes and powers of the tests are derived. Sizes and powers are then calculated and...
Khuri AI, Mathew T, Nel DG (1994) A test to determine closeness of multivariate Satterthwaite's approximation. J Multivariate Anal 51(1):201-209A. L . K huri , T. Mathew, and D . G . N el, A test to determine closeness of multivariate Satterthwaite's approximation, J. Multivariate...
The achieved size of the t test with a pooled variance has been investigated previously for small sample sizes, but the power has not. Exact calculations, computed via enumeration, of the power of the t test with pooled variance and with Satterthwaite's variance approximation are reported here...