多路开关5进32出 五进三十二出多路切换开关 电视信号切换开关GSM-532E终端型 GSM-48E 4进8出多路开关 天线切换开关 4切8 四进八多星多机 STARGOLD 低损四切一 视贝2进4出二进四出户户通分配器功分器两进四出13/18V切换开关 SuperMax四切一 SATLINK WS-6933 DVB-S2 卫星寻星仪 调星仪带手电筒 指...
l Satlink SeaTube is a on board video recording solution that allows the vessel company to control and manage vessel activity l Videos are recorded at 1280x720 @ 24FPS(HD quality) and minimum recording capacity of the system is 4 months l Videos are stored locally on encrypted disk drive...