无为漫游 默默无闻 1 安装Satisfactory Mod Manager以后启动游戏,提示插件SML加载失败。请问一下SML的安装方法仍然和上个版本的一样吗?需要下载SML和Bugfixes for virtual hooking放在游戏目录的对应文件夹下面?能帮忙具体讲讲吗? 送TA礼物 1楼2021-05-11 17:07回复 ...
满意的Mod Manager 处理安装mod的所有步骤,包括下载SML和Bootstrapper。 如有疑问,您可以在“提问 安装 从下载最新版本 用法 只需安装它,选择一个更新的模块,然后单击安装。 其他一切均由SMM处理 开发中 # install dependencies yarn install # serve with hot reload at localhost:9080 yarn dev # build electron...
SMM=satisfactory mod manager=幸福工厂mod管理工具,集成了mod下载、mod安装/卸载、mod作者分享作品,以及做重要的SML加载器SML=satisfactory mod launcher=幸福工厂模组加载器,以前作者单独发布,后面更新成SMM,添加了更多功能方便实用。目前状况是:sml的作者正在解决系统层的问题,他自己预计上周末(3月21日)能放出更新的...
Satisfactory Mod Manager Handles all the steps of installing mods, including download of SML and Bootstrapper. For questions, you can ask in theSatisfactory Modding discord Installation Download the latest release fromhttps://github.com/satisfactorymodding/SatisfactoryModManager/releases ...
Fixed mods that have a version range as sml_version showing as incompatible Disable silent updates, workaround for per-machine installs not updating, just uninstalling Assets 5 latest.yml 364 Bytes 2020-07-13T21:36:14Z Satisfactory-Mod-Manager-Setup.exe 60.5 MB 2020-07-13T21:34:10Z Sat...
ErrorUnexpected error while downloading file https://github.com/satisfactorymodding/SatisfactoryModLoader/releases/download/3.3.0/SML.zip: read ECONNRESET. Trace:RequestError: read ECONNRESETat ClientRequest.<anonymous> (file:///C:/Program%20Files/Satisfactory%20Mod%20Manager/resources/app.asar/dist...
Documentation for Satisfactory Mod Loader (SML) and Satisfactory modding. Master branch is live on https://docs.ficsit.app/. Please contact us on the Satisfactory Modding Discord Server with questions and suggestions, or contribute via PRs (see below). We attempt to use Semantic Line Break forma...
The mods that have been installed in the client by the mod manager must now be uploaded via FTP. In order to access the mods themselves, the following folders must be opened one after the other:FactoryGame -> Mods. Now we select all foldersexcept the SML folderby holding down the CTRL ...
好在官方也深知这一情况,专门派出两个程序员,建立了Satisfactory官方MOD平台,用于指导MOD制作者和使用者、同时收录各个MOD作品、... 1277 satisfactory吧 无为漫游 请教大佬关于Satisfactory Mod Manager的问题安装Satisfactory Mod Manager以后启动游戏,提示插件SML加载失败。请问一下SML的安装方法仍然和上个版本的一样吗?
最新版的这个自动安装sml我下了,但没用啊 分享202 satisfactory吧 枷木小实 咨询一下bug,最近有几个小更新,然后登陆了下游戏看看,发现直接重生了,然后背包里的东西全都没了???有没有小伙伴知道是为啥,可以解决不 分享71 幸福工厂吧 墨之烟雨的小号 话说有个网页,可以直接读取存档,查看人物位置,还可以查看地图...