抽水机不工作 显示9..竹林 铝矿附近 刚造好抽水机还正常工作 过一会就999 nuclear uranium waste 了 别的地方的抽水机都没事这是为啥 1.0有什么新机制吗
From fuel rods, to power, to waste, every step in this journey is incredibly rewarding! Just be sure to wear the appropriate safety gear when handling the enormous amounts of power. We’ve also generously provided complete freedom to deal with nuclear waste in any way you wish.) 铀 这些...
One waste disposal option is long-term storage. This is especially key for nuclear waste, but can technically store anything, so long as production rates are low enough compared to storage capacity. Nuclear waste is radioactive, so this storage facility should be far away from other people or ...
此生产所需电力: 0.00 MW Enter the number you wish to produce per minute, the calculator will try to find a possible solution to provide a valid production chain. You can drag the network graph with the mouse, zoom in/out with the mouse wheel. 产出 原料 ...