ISRO requested for satellite pictures to enable cyclone reliefPress Trust of India
WeatherFusionNet -> Predicting Precipitation from Satellite Data. weather4cast-2022 1st place solution marinedebrisdetector -> Large-scale Detection of Marine Debris in Coastal Areas with Sentinel-2 kaggle-identify-contrails-4th -> 4th place Solution, Google Research - Identify Contrails to Reduce...
It is defined as the amount of crops produced per unit area of land and is influenced by a range of factors including soil fertility, weather conditions, the type of crop grown, and pest and disease control. By utilizing time series of satellite images, it is possible to perform accurate ...
(TRMM-3B42v7, PERSIANN-CDR and GPM-IMERGv6) to capture rainfall were evaluated with ground-based Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) gridded data and also by driving the Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrological model for a cyclone prone coastal river basin in the southeast of India. ...
WeatherFusionNet -> Predicting Precipitation from Satellite Data. weather4cast-2022 1st place solution marinedebrisdetector -> Large-scale Detection of Marine Debris in Coastal Areas with Sentinel-2 kaggle-identify-contrails-4th -> 4th place Solution, Google Research - Identify Contrails to Reduce...
2.7.8. WeatherFusionNet -> code for paper: WeatherFusionNet: Predicting Precipitation from Satellite Data. weather4cast-2022 1st place solution2.8. Segmentation - RoadsExtracting roads is challenging due to the occlusions caused by other objects and the complex traffic environment...
It is defined as the amount of crops produced per unit area of land and is influenced by a range of factors including soil fertility, weather conditions, the type of crop grown, and pest and disease control. By utilizing time series of satellite images, it is possible to perform accurate ...
On the day of fire occurrence, the weather was dry with strong northeasterly winds, which led to extreme fire behavior. In this study, two pre-fire and two post-fire images from Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 were employed. The Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 satellites have spectral and spatial ...