Local time zone: Is this incorrect? Set your custom location HOW MANY SATELLITES CAN WE SAFELY FIT IN EARTH ORBIT?- Experts have been sounding alarm bells for years that Earth orbit is getting a bit too crowded. So how many satellites can we actually launch to space before it gets to be...
Otherwise, the sharpest and near real-time satellite view would bePlanetscopeat 3 meters per pixel and a new image of Earth every day.
Zoom Earth is a lot like satellite imagery from in a way but you also interactive just like Google Earth. The one thing that gives this web application an edge is its near-real-time satellite image update. And the best part is, you can zoom in and out to see your loc...
The scheduling of earth observation satellites (EOSs) data transmission is a complex combinatorial optimization problem. Current researches mainly deal with this problem on the assumption that the data transmission mode is fixed, either playback or real-time transmission. Considering the characteristic of...
With the development of real-time services, real-time Precise Orbit Determination (POD) is indispensable and mainly includes two methods: the ultra-rapid orbit prediction and the real-time filtering orbit determination. The real-time filtering method has a great potential to obtain more stable and...
LeoEM: a Real-Time LEO Satellite Network Emulator 🛰️ from SaTCP: Link-Layer Informed TCP Adaptation for Highly Dynamic LEO Satellite Networks, IEEE INFOCOM 2023 Xuyang Cao (xuc054@eng.ucsd.edu) and Prof. Xinyu Zhang (xyzhang@eng.ucsd.edu) from University of California San Diego LeoEM...
We overcome this drawback of SDRE by using an approximation approach based on Bellman's principle of optimality. This method is presented in terms of least squares techniques and can relieve the problem of high computational loads when using SDRE in real-time control systems. Also, we extend ...
This special issue is mainly for the new theory, method and application in real-time GNSS monitoring and modeling. Ubiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigation and Location-Based Services At UPINLBS, we concentrate on innovative, state-of-the-art solutions and techniques dealing with ubiquitous positionin...
In addition to satellite maps, there are 3D maps (showing 3D models of buildings), contour maps (showing coordinates in real time, longitude and latitude), and flat maps (showing global street information). Disclaimer: Apps will continue to use the location feature in the background, which wi...
07:50 CET WildEarth TV ( DSTV Africa, 11843 V ) left Eutelsat 36D @ 35.9° E 09:56 CET Citizen TV ( DSTV Africa, 11862 H ) left Eutelsat 36D @ 35.9° E 10:02 CET Zee TV Africa ( DSTV Africa, 11862 H ) left Eutelsat 36D @ 35.9° E ...