YErrorY Map (predicted)Y Map (GPS)XErrorX Map (predicted)X Map (GPS)Pixel Y (row)Pixel X (col)GCP no. −16.051 7185,016.051 718,5000 −5.007 435,006.007 435,000 98 100 1 21.209 7174,978.791 7175,000 −0.069 435,000.059 435,000 501 101 2 −0.695 7185,000.695 7185,000 16....
In the US and other countries RTL-SDR fans will be familiar with how to receive images from the GOES geostationary weather satellite. However from countries like India most GOES satellites will not be visible. Fortunately there are alternative satellites like the Chinese FengYun-2H satellite which ...
FY-4B, which is the first of China's new-generation meteorological satellites in geostationary orbit, is used for weather analysis and forecasting, and environmental and disaster monitoring. Watch this video from Weather China, the China Meteorological Administration's online w...
Overlay Sentinel-1 VH data with cropland mask products to obtain the VH time series for agricultural fields; (2) Preprocess the VH time series data; (3) Use the SPRI method to generate the distribution map of paddy field planting locations in India; (4) Generate the distribution map using...
This study examines the performance of a data assimilation and forecasting system that simultaneously assimilates satellite aerosol optical depth (AOD) and ground-based PM10 and PM2.5 observations into the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem). The data assimilation ca...
( Using a labelling approach similar to that of the vessel samples, we also inspected a large number of detections to identify samples for ‘other structures’ and ‘noise’ (rocks, small islands, sea ice, radar...
space shuttles when weather conditions at Cape Canaveral are unacceptable. In an historic moment, on April 14, 1981, astronauts John Young and Robert Crippen landed shuttle Columbia on the ancient clay. Columbia was the first orbiting space vehicle ever to leave the Earth under rocket power and ...
CholeraMap delivers monthly, color-coded geospatial maps (1 km × 1 km spatial resolution) with household and community cholera risk information. Our results demonstrate that the satellite-derived local-scale risk model satisfactorily captured the seasonal cholera pattern for the Matlab region, and a...
Output: buildings in vector format (geojson), to be used in digital map products. Built on top of robosat and project_sunroof_india -> Analyzed Google Satellite images to generate a report on individual house rooftop's solar power potential, uses a range of classical computer ...
Severe weather events such as thunderstorms are responsible for deaths and asset damage. Lightning discharge is the most common phenomenon in thunderstorms, which causes death and losses. This review shows the research that has been done on lightning over the Indian region. The severe events are ...