It provided global measurements of total columnar HDO and H2O concentrations using the spectral window between 2338.5 and 2382.5 nm. Temporal variability of columnar δD was studied over Northeast (NE) India and mean columnar δD for pre-monsoon and monsoon months were correlated with precipitation ...
The hot tower hypothesis posited by Herbert Riehl and Joanne Simpson (Malkus) in 1958 and revisited in 1979 (hereafter, RM58 and RS79, respectively) has largely shaped our understanding of how tropical deep convective systems impact large-scale circulations. They reasoned that individual updrafts,...
it is expected to benefit other areas of the district having similar agro-climatic and geomorphological settings, for: (1) predicting meteorological droughts; and (2) establishing a relationship between rainfall and water-level trends in wells (post monsoon and summer), and hydrological events (rain...
However, a major limitation of the optical sensor-based imaging is the unfavourable atmospheric conditions that restrict the timely crop data retrieval; something that is predominantly caused by cloud cover linked to periodic rainy monsoon seasons in many parts of Asia15,16. Crop models combined with...
a further well-deserved consideration is about the telecommunication mega-constellations. those satellites are potential sources of opportunity. however, smarter techniques might be needed than those known today in the world of gnss-r to convert them into useful sources of opportunity to retrieve ...
Satellite-derived outgoing long-wave radiation in relationship to monsoon circulation in flood and drought years over India during 1978-2002 article summary included中科院大气物理研究所...
In this study, we show the representation and skill of monsoon rainfall from a variety of multi-satellite products over the Indian region. The bias and skill of multi-satellite rainfall are evaluated against gauge based observations. It was found that the TRMM based TMPA was one of the best ...
The characteristics of monsoon rainfall and outgoing long-wave radiation at 68 stations in India are highlighted. The purpose of such an analysis is to ascertain the nature of the rainfall distribution. The variations of outgoing long-wave radiation for the summer monsoon period show a close ...
different air pollutants, the values of\(\sigma\)to infer\(\Omega\)are changing with respect to the absorption properties of the backscattered radiation from the specific air pollutant as interacted and measured by the satellite sensor. In case of true color images as obtained from satellite ...
The study showed that, over most of India, the mean and extremes in rainfall are captured well by the all the datasets. However, considerable differences exist among the datasets. The spatial and temporal variation of the summer monsoon rainfall is examined by computing various indices using ...