Annotations for an image are saved in a text file with the same file name. In the first line, "imagesource" is given. In the second line, "gsd"(ground sample distance=1) is given. From third line to the last line in the annotation text file, annotation for each instance is given. ...
iSAID: Large-scale Dataset for Object Detection in Aerial Images(IIAI & Wuhan University, Dec 2019) 15 categories from plane to bridge, 188k instances, object instances and segmentation masks (MS COCO format), Google Earth & JL-1 image chips, Faster-RCNN baseline model (MXNet),devkit, Aca...
We used state of art model Inception-Resnet that is pre trained on Image-Net dataset. We used the dataset "Ships in Satellite Imagery" to detect the presence of ships in an image. The dataset is publicly available on Kaggle. The results indicate adoption of transfer learning and data ...
We trained Unet on 4 channel input: 3 channels were used for RGB input and the 4th channel was used for hill shade data. Weights for the first 3 channels are initialized from VGG 16 model pre-trained on theImageNetdataset. We were leaving the 4th channel initialized with zeroes — further...
(1) The ratio of objects to background is taken as the object proportion for an image. Then, from numerous images in a dataset, a statistical distribution of object proportion could be figured out. (2) In each image, every pixel value indicates its property of object or background. An ...
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The dataset which contains LR and HR image pairs is required to train the model. Then the generator produces the HR image from an input (LR) image, and the discriminator decides if the generated image is just an enlarged LR image or a real HR image. After training with sufficient data ...
3.1.1. Input: Dataset Collection The input given to the model is the water bodies dataset. The dataset is sourced from the Kaggle with the name Satellite Images of WaterBodies. These images are obtained and captured by sentinel-2 Satellite. The dataset contains two directories. The first one...
3.3 Image and dataset generation Real satellite imagery are composed of pixel intensity values representing the reflection of photons on the surface of the earth. On the ocean, this translates to the gradient of the ocean surface, rather than the surface itself. As discussed in Sect. 3.2, the...