We combine multiple sources of global satellite imagery from commercial providers, NASA, and USGS. Optimized for coverage and consistency, we continually add updated, high-quality, and attractive imagery as landscapes change. Aerial Imagery For our highest resolution imagery, we work with commercial pr...
iSAID: Large-scale Dataset for Object Detection in Aerial Images(IIAI & Wuhan University, Dec 2019) 15 categories from plane to bridge, 188k instances, object instances and segmentation masks (MS COCO format), Google Earth & JL-1 image chips, Faster-RCNN baseline model (MXNet),devkit, Aca...
In this case, multi-class models are typically used to recognize and differentiate between multiple classes within an image, such as forests, urban areas, and agricultural land. These models are capable of recognizing complex relationships between different land cover types, allowing for a more ...
Forest mapping, where the extent and density of forests have been mapped for the whole country. * Flood affected area mapping, where the flood affected areas are being mapped on a near-real time basis for the Gangetic and Brahmaputra basins. ...
A collection of high and medium resolution sample satellite images can be downloaded here, including WorldView-2, WorldView-3, Pleiades 1 and RapidEye.
Aerial view capturing deforestation in Belize’s Orange Walk District, 2012. Credit: Photo by Timothy Beach, The University of Texas at Austin Several protected areas were established in the late 1980s and early 1990s. By the second period examined (1999-2001), forests in these protected areas...
Many governments, state, and private forestry organizations and agencies today utilize geospatial technology such asGIS(geographic information systems) and satellite imagery for various applications supporting analysis, assessment, and management of our forests. ...
Upland habitats provide vital ecological services, yet they are highly threatened by natural and anthropogenic stressors. Monitoring these vulnerable habit
Correlation of explored chromite outcrops and indexes with the lithological unit (serpentinites), (A) the aerial view of the black circle in Figure 11 as a promising area for chromite prospecting. The location of Figure 13B–D are shown as points with the same label (B) outcrop of serpentini...
Different forest types based on different tree species composition may have similar spectral signatures if observed with traditional multispectral satellite sensors. Hyperspectral imagery, with a more continuous representation of their spectral behavior