then, as a result of this (what He said), many left Him. Why did they leave Him?… they left because he spoke literally and he did not dissuade them from that understanding. He did not call them back and say wait, let me explain better. The understanding of Christ’s Real Presence ...
American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion If nearly all Jews for a thousand or two thousand years were taught to feel a seething hatred toward all non-Jews and also developed an enormous infrastructure of cultural dishonesty to mask that attitude, it is difficult to believe that such an...
Mutilatorsof historyand inverters of reality. Infanticidal, satanic pedophiles of antiquity and of modern times. Human-organ traders; sex-slave traders; historic slave-traders; executioners of the unarmed and snipers of the bellies of expectant mothers. Mass murderers and rapists and pornographers an...
Before the fatwa, Rushdie struck a much more earnest tone: “In this dream sequence I have tried to offer my view of the phenomenon of revelation and the birth of a great world religion. . . .” Advertisement - Continue Reading BelowThe ways in which the book was sure to offend have ...
Mary apparitions may be the deception that unifies world religions into becoming the Harlot of RevelationThe excerpts of the article I quoted are from an article on “The Coming One World Religion, by Jim Simmons. I think in his article he has done an excellent job of communicating the Hal...
“nobody has a god-given right to insult a great religion,” john le carré bellowed in the guardian, “and be published with impunity.” he also proposed that rushdie do the right thing and withdraw the book. v. s. naipaul, who felt he had been taken to task for his own acid ...
My conversion to Satanism (i wasn't born into any religion) primarily oriented in opposition to what i regarded as a lux-o-philic and anti-darkness bias exercised by Hermetic and Neo-Gnostic occultists interested in escalating Lucifer to a high status, while casting the rest into ignorance, ...