方法1. SATA下无需开壳 (失败) 然后打开s11_unlocker可以成功解锁。 再使用repairs11修复工具,这个输入Y之后要等几分钟,黑框里面会提示成功后,不要进行任何操作。直接关机后开机。(据说也可以直接拔插硬盘电源,感觉有一定风险。)到这里就修复好了,可说我的还不行。没有什么变化。 http://vlo.name:3000/ssdtoo...
VERSION 1: repairS11 tool(there is also a repairS10 Phison PS3110 version). We connect the drive to SATA, run it with ADMINISTRATOR privileges, after executing the script, we turn off the computer (it is important to cut off POWER from the SSD) and turn it on again. NOTE 1: ! DATA...