如果出现了“硬盘驱动器未找到”或“SATAdisk not detected”等提示,那么就有可能是SATA接口连接不良或者硬盘故障了。此时,我们可以拆开电脑检查SATA接口连接是否正常,如果确认连接无误,那么就需要考虑更换硬盘了。2.检查主板与SATA口的对应关系如果电脑启动时硬盘驱动器能够被检测到,但是读取速度过慢或者无法搜到硬盘,...
BIOS中SATA1~6都显示not detected(未检测到)。我6个插口挨个试了多边,有一次SATA4 显示hard disk.后来6个接口一直都是not detected。 满意答案 du451252057采纳率:41%12级 2013.03.03 通电先感受硬盘电机是否转动。如果没有震动感,更换硬盘的电源线试下。如果更换硬盘电源线还是不转动,那基本是硬盘电机问题了...
换过3台机子,都是在bios里无法识别,但是进入XP后能识别出来,但不是完整地识别。比如说正常的硬盘在XP的设备管理器里显示是”maxtor 6y080l0 scsi disk device",但是该硬盘显示只有“scsi disk device”,而没有前半部厂商的“maxtor 6y080l0”。汗……看来还是有朋友没有看清楚我说的“换过3台机子”,而且3...
BIOSS设置中SATA operation选项是硬盘模式选择,相关资料如下:1、简介:SATA硬盘,对于XP系统,需要加载专门的Sata驱动。把硬盘模式改成兼容模式,使得Sata硬盘模拟成IDE工作模式,安装XP将不会出现任何问题。由于现在很多系统的安装盘或者GHOST系统默认是不带SATA硬盘接口模式的,当硬盘模式没有修改成兼容模式...
If I connect the disk to any of the (four) sata ports, it is detected by the kernel (I've tried all 4 ports) If I connect the same disk to the e-sata port, it is not detected, instead. The disk used is: Seagate SV35 ST3000VX000 ...
MY SATA Disk failed to recongnize often. WDC WD10EADX-00T 77.0 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 1.00 TB/931 GiB 32 MB Cache. boot info: VFP support v0.3: implementor 41 architecture 3 part 30 variant c rev 3 omap_voltage_late_init: Voltage driver support not added ...
You can also connect your hard drive to another laptop or computer as an external hard drive and thereby check whether it will be detected or not. Method 2. Enable the disk This can be checked in the BIOS menu; if necessary, turn on the disk. Then the problem will be resolved. The ...
After verifying that your ATA or SATA port is set to Auto-Detect or is enabled, if you find that your disk drive is not being detected (auto-detected) by the system BIOS, try the following steps to try and isolate/troubleshoot the problem. Drive not enabled in the BIOS ...
The SATA link down event messages are logged when there is some issue in the connectivity to disk devices and the driver needs to reset the link connecting these devices. They appears to be some hardware related issues. The SATA hard disk is not reliably detected at boot time.Environment...
default. The system partition is created to accommodate a BitLocker requirement. BitLocker requires that the boot files and Windows files are located on separate partitions. If the preselected default hard disk is not changed, the system partition is created on the disk that is detected as Disk ...