SAT Words 單詞卡 Aloof 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 distant, reserved in manner; uninvolved 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 建立者 NRMays 學生們也學習了 學習指南 vocab 10個詞語 VOCAB 4 10個詞語 Esperanza Rising: Chapters 5-6 Vocabulary 老師6個詞語 Vocab - Unit 2 Synonyms / Antonyms...
Night-Vocab list 1 20個詞語 a2027AriF 預覽 SAT Vocabulary Words 20個詞語 blakedallimore 預覽 Kase Vocab Midterm 2023 50個詞語 Knev26 預覽 vocab 9 20個詞語 Marissa_Brown167 預覽 bark 18個詞語 bbensch 預覽 GRE Vocabulary 2024 1,162個詞語 sophiagabrielle 預覽 Lesson 8 Vocabulary and Usage 21...
SAT - The Top 100 Vocab Words Extensive reading is the best way to develop your command of tough vocabulary. But cramming Shakespeare and Milton before the test is not very practical. So, weve done a little investigating and have compiled the top 100 vocabulary words of all time. Use this...
In general, when you are looking for SAT vocab resources,avoid services promising to teach you more than 500 words(too much time) or any services you have to pay for (not worth it given the amount of free resources). If you have any resources that are helpful for you, feel free to s...
这里答主自己用的是一个叫做Quizlet的app(苹果商店可以直接搜到),支持自己导入vocab list。答主当时是差不多一天背80词左右,一共540词的一个SAT核心词汇。 无论用什么背单词,最重要的是多复习,比如每背200个词之后单独拿出一天时间复习所有已经背过的。这540词大家应该很快(一个多星期)就可以背完,之后如果做...
这里答主自己用的是一个叫做Quizlet的app(苹果商店可以直接搜到),支持自己导入vocab list。答主当时是差不多一天背80词左右,一共540词的一个SAT核心词汇。 无论用什么背单词,最重要的是多复习,比如每背200个词之后单独拿出一天时间复习所有已经背过的。这540词大家应该很快(一个多星期)就可以背完,之后如果做...
Vocabulary List #2 SAT Prep words English 11 1. impotent (adjective) powerless; lacking strength Synonyms: ineffective; helpless Prefix: im- not Not strong or powerful Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation. 2. antithesis (noun) an exact opposite Synonyms: converse Antonym: same ...
First, you're going to need a set of SAT words. Luckily, we've prepared alist of 262 SAT vocab words most likely to appear on the SAT. All of these words come from official SAT practice tests and other high-quality SAT vocab lists, so memorizing these is an excellent place to start...
In this guide, we give you a comprehensive list of 262 of the most common SAT vocabulary words. We also explain how vocab is tested on the SAT, what types of questions you’ll see, and how to get the most out of your vocab prep. ...
How SAT Vocab Can Give You an Edge You might already know that the SAT underwenta major change in March 2016. Prior to the re-design, the SAT had questions (called Sentence Completions) that explicitly tested difficult vocabulary words. ...