Significant Figures(有效数字) Calculations with Significant Figures (有效数字的计算) Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table of the Elements 原子结构&元素周期表 Electric Nature of Atoms 原子的电本质 History (历史) Basic Electric Charges(基本电荷) Bohr Model of the Atom(原子的波尔模型) Components of...
Precision, Accuracy, and Uncertainty(精密度,准确度,不确定度) Significant Figures(有效数字) Calculations with Significant Figures (有效数字的计算) Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table of the Elements 原子结构&元素周期表 Electric Nature of Atoms 原子的电本质 History (历史) Basic Electric Charges(基...
Due to sparsification we can also prove that all such SAT(S) problems are subexponential if and only if one of them is subexponential (and that this holds also in the degree-bounded case), which is a significant refinement of Impagliazzo et al.'s result when restricted to finite Boolean ...
These shocking figures are cold, hard facts, which provide strong evidence to support the painful claim abovethat “Over the past four decades, many birds once common in U.S. farmlands have become uncommon.” 本段中划波浪线的句子是在列举作者原文中使用的statistics。而段落中划直线的句子,解读了s...
wefollowtheiradviceanddowhattheytellustodobecausetheyhavemoreexperienceandknowledg巳thanwedo.However,sometimeswedisagreewithsomeonewhoholdsauthorityoverusandneedtostandupforourselves,evenifitmeanssufferingnegativeconsequences.Assignment: Shouldweexpressourdisagreem巳ntwithauthorityfigureseveniftherearenegativecons巳quences...
but it will then take time to recover and return to its previous state. Therefore, if the shoreline erodes/accretes suddenly of a significant amount (max_cross_change) and then immediately returns to its previous state, this spike does not make any physical sense and can be considered an ou...
Data on helping behavior among oldfield mice in natural settings are extremely difficult to gather, but a significant body of indirect evidence suggests that some females remain at the nest and help their mothers raise the next clutch of young. For example, natural history data suggest that a mo...
By orporating Pueblo figures into her strongly geometric and A B work is why Pueblo Helen Hardin has had a significant impact on C D contemporary Native American art. No error E 2. Because ecotours support conservation efforts and raise awareness of A ecological issues is why they have e ...
A significant number of instances from this set were not used as Minisat could solve them in under ten minutes. We augmented the remaining domains with the last unsatisfiable formulas generated for planning tasks where the minimal makespan could not be found. To generate the missing benchmarks, ...
significantbenefits,intermsofeithernutritionalvalueor..B)grownwithconventionalmethods,using . . . . .pesticidesandsyntheticfertilizers. . . . safety,fromorganicfood... . . .C)conventionallyandthereforenotorganically . . . . . .grown. . . . . . . . .D)conventionallygrown. . . . . . . ...