Test score submission policies and ranges for over 400 popular colleges. See what scores you need to make it into the mid-50% range.
while a 75th percentile score means that 75% of students scored at or below this threshold. Thus, the 25th and 75th percentiles represent themiddle 50% SAT scores of admitted applicants—the average SAT score range for a particular school.Good SAT scoresfor universities are usuallythose in the...
Colleges’ SAT Score Range and What They Mean for You To figure out what score you should aim for, you should look at colleges’ SAT score range.The score range represents the scores that admitted students received. Typically, colleges provide you with scores from the most recent applicant poo...
Top 15 Universities/Colleges That Don't Require the SAT Brown University Columbia University Cornell University Dartmouth College Duke University Harvard University Johns Hopkins University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Princeton University Rice University ...
Experts recommend looking up the "middle 50" – the range of scores between the 25th percentile and 75th percentile for the last admitted class – on each college's website to see if your score falls within or above that range. "If you're in the upper part of that band or above, tho...
For Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math, the SAT score range is between 200-800. The SAT scores show the colleges: how a candidate has performed compared to other students who took the exam. There is no pass or fail in SAT exam scores. Generally, a good SAT score is above ...
Hi there! One good place to find the median SAT scores for various colleges is by visiting each college's admissions website. They often provide their middle 50% SAT scores which can give you a good idea of the range of students they typically admit. An
You can use these middle 50% of SAT scores to gauge how competitive your application would be at any number of colleges and universities. Let’s use Boston University as our example. BU’s middle 50% of SAT Scores Score range for BU as a safety school Score range for BU as a target ...
If you're wondering if you have the SAT scores you'll need to get into one of theBig 12 Conference universities, here's a side-by-side comparison of scores for the middle 50% of enrolled students. If your scores fall within or above these ranges, you're on target for admission to ...
without the strong focus on graduate education that you'll find at places like Purdue and Stanford, the colleges compared here are all excellent choices. The table below shows what SAT scores you're likely to need for admission to one of the country's top 10undergraduate engineering colleges?