克林顿 SAT Score:1032 (out of 1600) 第42任美国总统克林顿SAT只有1032分,在“民间”流传甚广,但据官方记载,克林顿高中毕业后,本科靠着奖学金入读了乔治城大学,并在大学时入选了著名的Phi Beta Kappa学术荣誉学会。 在毕业前,他还获得了罗德奖学金来支付他前往牛津大学读书的费用。几年之后,他又入读了耶鲁法...
南达科他州矿业技术学院 South Dakota School of Mines and Technology SAT成绩:1200(含590数学子分数) ACT成绩:25 未加权的GPA:2.75 课程要求: 4 years of English OR ACT English sub-test score of 18 or above OR AP English score of 3 or above 3 years of Advanced Mathematics (includes algebra or...
SAT成绩:1030~1200之间的学生最喜欢的15所大学 除了排名,榜单还列出了该校的SAT成绩录取区间以及对应的录取率,想要申请对应学校,或者是成绩在对应分数的学生可以将其作为一个大致的参考。 以下是榜单: 1 The 15 Most Popular Colleges if your SAT score is above 1340 排名 学校 SAT区间 录取率 1 斯坦福大学 S...
SAT Score:1032 (out of 1600) 第42任美国总统克林顿SAT只有1032分,在“民间”流传甚广,但据官方记载,克林顿高中毕业后,本科靠着奖学金入读了乔治城大学,并在大学时入选了著名的Phi Beta Kappa学术荣誉学会。 在毕业前,他还获得了罗德奖学金来支付他前往牛津大学读书的费用。几年之后,他又入读了耶鲁法学院并...
Generally, a good score is 1200-1400+. However, this range comes with many caveats! The ranges of “good scores” vary a lot depending on both your goals and your age. The more competitive your dream schools are, the higher your target score should be. On the other hand, you can ...
可以看到,2019 年全球考生的SAT总成绩平均分(Total Score)为1059分,阅读与文法均分(ERW) 531分,数学(Math) 528分。 其中总分在800-990,1000-1190的考生占比最大,分别为30%和33%,几乎占据所有考生的一大半。 1200分及以上的学生占比仅26%,...
"If you were applying to an engineering program at a college that is going to admit you from a pool of students who are (also) applying for engineering, the question is not, 'Is your SAT score good?'" And the question is not, 'Is a 1470 a good score?' Because it ...
"If you were applying to an engineering program at a college that is going to admit you from a pool of students who are (also) applying for engineering, the question is not, 'Is your SAT score good?'" And the question is not, 'Is a 1470 a good score?' Because it is a...