SAT机考改革 | 听程旭老师如何解析(内附视频) 除了美国本土仍然在SAT笔试,机考SAT在其它地区也已经开始了五个多月的时间了,这里简单谈谈对机考SAT的看法。方便考生们有针对性的去准备。 Questions and Answers SAT变化问&答 01 考试时间缩短了多久? 总时...
questions,describeinyourownexperience,whyyouagreeordisagreeandwhatrewardsarelostor gainedwhenyoujustconcentrateonananswerwithoutbeingawareoforinterestedintheprocessin arrivingattheanswer. DONOTWRITEYOURESSAYINYOURTESTBOOK.Youwillreceivecreditonlyforwhatyouwriteonyour answersheet. BEGINWRITINGYOURESSAYONPAGE950OFTHEAN...
154.1 Math Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164.2 Reading Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
©2015TheColleg.Colleg,SAT,andtheacornlogoaresoftheColleg. Testbeginsonthenextpage. 11 ReadingTest 65MINUTES,52QUESTIONS TurntoSection1ofyouranswersheettoanswerthequestionsinthissection. DIRECTIONS Eachpassageorpairofpassagesbelowisfollowedbyanumberofquestions.Afterreading eachpassageorpair,choosethebestan...
1.Cite strong and thorough textual evidenceto support analysis ofwhat the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain. 简单来说,就是事实信息的理解,包括...
so you should fill in an answer bubble for every question even if you have no clue what the correct response is. If you find yourself with a few questions left in the section and only 30 seconds on the clock, you should provide random answers for all of them. 既然新SAT已经取消了答错倒...
t have a guessing penalty, so you should fill in an answer bubble for every question even if you have no clue what the correct response is. If you find yourself with a few questions left in the section and only 30 seconds on the clock, you should provide random answers for all of ...
Getting to a 700: You’re definitely getting the harder second section at this point – and you should also be doing well on it. You’ll need a very good understanding of the types of questions and answers on the test, so, as you continue to work through questions, you should focus ...
1.Cite strong and thorough textual evidenceto support analysis ofwhat thetext says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain. ▼ 简单来说,就是事实信息的理解,包括文章中直接表达的信息,已经通过文章中的逻辑关系做出合理推理而得出...