SAT words are important to understand when preparing for the vocabulary of the SAT. Learn about what SAT words are along with the easy, short,...
下面天道小编就为大家整理了关于SAT词汇书中考生口碑很好的四部经典之作,供大家参考和借鉴。 1.SPARKNOTES The 1000 Most Common SAT Words: 如果你是刚接触到SAT的同学,不推荐使用这个词表。这个词表主要是针对美国学生而设立的。这1000词语满足两个条件,第一是SAT常出现,第二是美国学生不知道的。但是,SAT中...
The 1000 Most Common SAT Words A abase (v.) to humiliate, degrade (After being overthrown and abased, the deposed leader offered to bow down to his conqueror.) abate (v.) to reduce, lessen (The rain poured down for a while, then abated.) abdicate (v.) to give up a position, ...
The 1 000 Most Com m on SAT Words A abase (v.) to hum iliate, degrade (After being overthrown and abased, the deposed leader offered to bow down to his conqueror.) abate (v.) to reduce, lessen (The rain poured down for a while, then abated.) abdicate (v.) to give up a posi...
【单词】《The 1000 Most Common SAT Words》;单词有困难的赶紧别错过好资料哟~ 【 】
4)SPARKNOTES The 250 Most Common SAT Words 这个词表的母亲是SPARKNOTES的1000词汇表,这250个是1000个中最难的。 5)BARRON 800 在BARRON的《CRITICAL READING WORKBOOK》里面,有一个附录。这个词表包含了800个容易在分析性阅读里面出现的单词。这个词表有很多但不完全和BARRON的3500词汇重复。这个词表只是针对阅读...
In this guide, we give you a comprehensive list of 262 of the most common SAT vocabulary words. We also explain how vocab is tested on the SAT, what types of questions you’ll see, and how to get the most out of your vocab prep. ...
Kaplan's100 Most Common SAT Words* *Save this list for last, because it contains more difficult words that are less likely to be tested on the current iteration of the SAT. However, these are still good words to know because they could be used in the more difficult reading passages. ...
But reviewing the 30 most common SAT words and taking five online punctuation quizzes sound like much more manageable tasks, don’t they? Each large-scale to-do is composed of numerous small, less daunting tasks. Your job is to figure out exactly which small to-dos ...