SAT®综合测评系列包括SAT考试(11年级和12年级)、PSAT/NMSQT®和PSAT™10 (10年级和11年级),以及PSAT™8/9 (8年级和9年级)。 这个系列的考试衡量处于不同年级的学生对相同的核心知识和技能所达到的程度,展示为大学和未来就业做好的准备,帮助师生和家...
Each PSAT has three unique score conversion tables created for it ― tables that convert the number of questions you get right into the various PSAT scores and subscores. Each set of conversion tables reflects the difficulty level of the questions on its associated test; it’s like saying the...
1、与学校老师一起查看PDF成绩报告,学校老师可以通过K-12分数报告门户网站下载成绩报告PDF文件,提供给学生。 2、使用/创建一个大学理事会的学生账户,并进入studentscores.collegeboard.org在线查看SAT机考分数、下载PDF成绩报告以及关于成绩的详细解读。 分数信息 在官方成绩报告中,学生可以查看SAT机考的三个分数:总分、...
单项能力副分 (Subscores)这一项一共包含了7个单项能力副分,其中循证阅读加语法部分对应4个,数学部分对应3个,每项分值均为1-15分。这7个subscores不仅代表了出题方所看重的认知能力,还能够帮助学生认识到现阶段在SAT考试的两大部分中自己的具体弱项,为后续的备考指明方向。百分位数 (Percentiles)SAT考试报告...
The scoring for the two exams is different, in that thePSAT scoreis a scale from 320 to 1520, while theSATis 400-1600, and this difference translates into different scores for each section as well. As the test is taken in an earlier grade it is created to be easier than theSAT, and...
The ACT is scored completely differently from the SAT or PSAT. The ACT has four multiple-choice sections (English, Math, Reading, and Science) that all have scores provided separately on a scale of 1–36, as well as an optional essay Writing section. You will also receive a composite scor...
Information is provided on students' comprehension of the booklet, including their ability to convert test scores to percentiles and to predict SAT scores from a knowledge of PSAT scores. The perceived implication, by students, of the use of the PSAT for college admissions and for the prediction...
第一步:进入个人账户,点击左下角的SATREGISTRATION&SCORES 第二步:进入MYSAT界面,点击SENDSCOREREPORT 第三步:出现FindCollegesandScholarshipPrograms界面 1. 若已明确申请学校的姓名直接在Name栏输入意向学校的名称,点击Search 2. 若对某一个地区比较感兴趣,在右边的State中选择相应的州府,点击Search ...
Those who were happy with their PSAT scores might want to take the soon-to-be-old SAT, which would look familiar to them.“There’s not a test-prep tutor anywhere who could look a family in the eye and say,‘We can do as good a job for you on the new SAT this year,’” Mr....
The SAT supports success in school and can help you on your path to college. Access your My SAT Dashboard to register or send SAT scores.